I’d like to share just a few thoughts about the energy in the coming week as we finish out 2015. In my last post I mentioned the background Uranus-Pluto square transit being activated again, first by Mars (week of December 6th), then Mercury, operative NOW through the 20th of December just before the ingress of the Sun into Capricorn.
The days leading up to the Winter Solstice on the 21st are vibrant with kinetic energy. As Mercury moves into this square, notice the quickening of pace and rhythm, the insistence of a particular idea. Work with this motion to accomplish what needs to be done in the immediate and observe what ideas are gaining momentum for you, what persistent idea needs more research? Tie up any loose ends that you can in December especially, anything that involves contracts, data or detailed communication.
Mercury is in Capricorn now as it conjoins Pluto on December 19th, squares Uranus on the 20th and will remain in that sign through mid-February.
Mercury in Capricorn is methodical, thorough and supremely efficient. The crisp details of reality are keenly in focus. This conjunction with Pluto takes all of that into the heights and depths of concentrated possibility. Circumstances may demand that we take on a radically different perspective and we may feel a need to leave no stone un-turned in pursuit of a life-changing idea. If you feel unfazed by the events this week, simply consider the power of your ideas, your words-sharing an idea can be a radical act. The Mercury-Pluto relationship defines the art of persuasion, the greatest and the worst potentials of human communication ability.
This conjunction occurring as it does before Mercury goes retrograde means there will be two more conjunctions with Pluto in January AND when Mercury’s retrograde ends, it goes direct at the same degree area (14Capricorn) as this first conjunction on the 19th. Those with 14-16 degrees of the Cardinal signs prominent in their natal charts will be most attuned to the rhythm of this dance and may want to look ahead to January as a great month for reconnaissance. Issues that arise on or around Dec 19th may require some problem-solving that requires thoughtful investigation over the coming weeks. (more on this in future posts)
Be well and thank you for reading.
Until next time….